Seasoned actress Alka Kaushal who played the powerful role of Hamida Siddiqui in Zee TV’s Rabb Se Hai Dua till recently, will soon enter Rajan Shahi and Star Plus’ show Anupamaa. As we know, Anupamaa will soon see the introduction of Prem Kothari’s (Shivam Khajuria) family. We at have reported exclusively about actors Rahil Azam and Zalak Desai to play the parents of Prem in the show. If you have missed reading the stories, you can check it here.

Exclusive: Zalak Desai to enter Anupamaa

Exclusive: Rahil Azam to enter Anupamaa?

As we know, there is an element of intrigue that is maintained with regards to Prem’s family and past. The show has already witnessed the entry of Prarthna (Sheersha Tiwari), who is Prem’s sister. Prarthna was seen bumping into Anupamaa in one of the episodes. Prem, Maahi and Raahi’s love triangle is also in focus as of now.

Now, we have written about Anupamaa meeting Prem’s mother at a temple.

We now hear of Alka Kaushal entering the show as the grandmother of Prem. She will be the matriarch of the Kothari family.

Alka Kaushal has earlier worked with Rajan Shahi in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai.

We buzzed Alka but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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