Actor Ankush Joshi who has featured in TV shows Mere Sai, Vidya, Punyashlok Ahilyabai, and films Badhai Do, Little Baby etc, has bagged a prominent negative role in an upcoming Doordarshan show titled Bitiya Rani Rupa. Produced by Green Mango Productions, Bitiya Rani Rupa will soon go on floor.
This show will be the tale of a village belle who is suppressed all the time by the Sarpanch and his team, and how she will empower herself to freedom.
As we know, Doordarshan announced the launch of Fauji 2, the prestigious show produced by Sandeep Singh under the banner Legend Studios. The show premiered in November 2024. It has a huge cast led by Vicky Jain, Gauahar Khan, Aashish Bharadwaj, Utkarsh Kohli, Rudra Soni, Ayaan Manchanda etc.
Bitiya Rani Rupa, which will be the new launch, will soon go on the floor and will be one of the early launches in the New Year 2025.
As per a reliable source, “Ankush the young actor will play a negative role, that of the Sarpanch’s son. He will be the negative parallel lead in the show.”
We buzzed Ankush but did not get through to him.
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