After a long-awaited hiatus of six years, fans of the gripping crime drama, CID, can finally rejoice as a new season is set to return to our television screens. This cult classic, which first premiered in 1998, captivated audiences for over two decades before being taken off the air in 2018. With the beloved original cast members, including the iconic ACP Pradyuman, Daya, and Senior Inspector Abhijeet, (Shivaji Satam, Dayanand Shetty, Aditya Srivastava) making their triumphant return, the excitement surrounding the revival is palpable. Recently, the makers of CID, this time produced by Banijay Asia, officially kicked off production, commemorating the occasion with a heartfelt mahurat puja. This traditional ceremony signifies the beginning of their creative journey.
On November 22, the creators of the beloved television series CID unveiled an exciting new video, heralding the commencement of filming for the highly anticipated new season. The inaugural shoot kicked off with a traditional mahurat puja, a ceremonial ritual that set a positive tone for the production, attended by an enthusiastic cast and dedicated crew. The original creator, B.P. Singh, was among the attendees, a legendary figure who helmed the iconic show for nearly two decades. With a sense of nostalgia and excitement, he was spotted on set, expertly rolling the camera and marking a significant moment in the show’s storied legacy.
Now, from the shoot spot, we at have heard that actors Ajay Nagrath and Ansha Sayed have been brought back to the cult show to reprise the characters they were playing.
For the uninitiated, Ansha played Inspector Purvi and Ajay essayed the role of Sub-Inspector Pankaj in the show earlier. They were part of the series when it was taken off air in 2018.
We buzzed Ajay and Ansha but did not get through to them.
We reached out to the spokesperson at Banijay Asia and Sony TV, but did not get revert till we filed the story.
CID’s newest chapter will unveil from 21 December and will air on Saturday and Sunday at the 10 PM slot.
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