Young actress Akshita Tiwari who was recently seen in Anupamaa in the role of Nandini, has bagged an interesting role in the upcoming Colors show titled Meri Bhavya Life. The show will be an inspiring story of a confident girl on the heftier side. Karan Vohra and Prisha Dhatwalia will play the leads in the show. The show is produced by Sphere Origins.
We at reported about the lead actors being Karan Vohra and Prisha Dhatwalia in the show. Karan was last seen in Main Hoon Saath Tere while Prisha is a newcomer, who is a known digital creator from Delhi. We also wrote about seasoned actors Manasi Salvi, Prachi Kowli, Kruttika Desai, Iqbal Azad, Mehul Kajaria, Sheetal Maulik, Disha Upadhyay being part of the show. If you have missed reading these articles, you can check them here.
Exclusive: Prachi Kowli joins the cast of Sphere Origins’ Meri Bhavya Life for Colors
We now hear of Akshita joining the cast in a meaty role. She was earlier part of the Colors family where she played the role of Chakri in Neerja Ek Nayi Pehchaan. She gets back to the same channel after a year or so.
As per a reliable source, “Akshita will play the role of the female lead’s younger sister. She will be totally opposite to Bhavya. She will be the parallel lead in the show.”
We buzzed Akshita but did not get through to her.
We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till the time we filed the story.
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