Actress Chhavi Pandey who is known for her wily portrayal of Maya in Rajan Shahi and Star Plus’ Anupamaa, will soon enter the Zee TV show Bas Itna Sa Khwaab. Produced by Zee Studios and Aagastaya Jain, the show has seen major drama with Avani’s (Rajashree Thakur) beautician job coming to the fore, and getting revealed in front of Shikhar (Yogendra Vikram Singh) in a very harsh way. Avani was in fact, arrested for theft and it required Vidyut’s interference in getting Avani out of jail. However, Avani’s return to the house aided them as she immediately cared for the needed treatment and surgery of her mother-in-law who met with a road accident. Suman’s recovery has resulted in her forcing her son Shikhar to put the mangalsutra back on Avani’s neck.

Amidst this, there will be a major entry that of the main negative lead, coming to ruin the life of Avani Trivedi.

We at have heard that actress Chhavi Pandey will soon enter the show Bas Itna Sa Khwaab in a negative role.

As per a reliable source, “Chhavi will be the anti-lead Tamanna, who will come into Shikhar’s life. This will give rise to an interesting phase in the story, now that Shikhar is quite angry at Avani.”

We buzzed Chhavi but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson and Producer but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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