Zee TV’s show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye is all set to take a two-year leap post which there will be huge lifestyle changes seen in the prime family and characters. One of them is the shocking acceptance of Virat Singh Ahuja’s (Arijit Taneja) death. Yes, as reported by us at IWMBuzz.com, Virat will fall off the cliff to save Amruta’s life in the Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators show.
On 22 January, Arijit Taneja duly put up a gratitude post for his character of Virat Singh Ahuja, thanking the makers and the channel for giving him such a well-etched character. His tweet read like this,
Well, are we seeing the end of Arijit Taneja in the show? What will the post-leap phase take us to? We at IWMBuzz.com have already written about young actor Pulkit Bangia being roped in as the parallel lead in the show. The actor will play the cousin brother of Virat who will be living in the Ahuja house. If you have missed reading it, you can check it here.
Exclusive: Pulkit Bangia to enter Zee TV’s Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye
Now, to the million-dollar question of Arijit Taneja’s tenure in the show!! Is he exiting the show? The answer is ‘NO’.
Our reliable source tells us, “Arijit Taneja is not going anywhere. Arijit signed off from playing Virat Singh Ahuja because the makers are bringing in a big twist in the story post the leap.”
The buzz that we have heard is that Virat Singh Ahuja will NOT die after the fall from the cliff. Instead, he will lose his memory after the accident. On the other hand, the Ahuja family will believe that Virat is dead. They will not know about his survival. But Virat will be seen living as a new identity in a new ambience!!
Well, are we going to see Virat in a new avatar? How will the post-leap phase be?
We buzzed Arijit but did not hear from him.
Are you eager to know the answers? We wait for the right time to reveal before us the truth!!