Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the popular Star Plus show produced by Pradeep Kumar and Rajesh Ram Singh’s Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment will soon take a leap with a fresh story being told to the audience. The present story of Rajat and Savi, played by Hitesh Bhardwaj and Bhavika Sharma, will end on a happy note, paving the way for the next story. As we know, actors Param Singh, Sanam Johar and Vaibhavi Hankare have been roped in as the new leads on the show. Evergreen actress Rekha has announced the fresh story with the cast via an eye-catching promo.
We at have reported exclusively about Sai Deodhar playing a powerful role in the show. We also wrote about Aditya Deshmukh getting on board. If you have missed these stories, you can check them here.
We now hear of two seasoned actors Ashok Lokhande and Abhay Bhargava joining the cast of the show. Ashok Lokhande is best known for his role as Arun Rathi in the successful show Diya aur Baati Hum, and its sequel Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji. Abhay Bhargava is well-known as Divyanka Tripathi’s onscreen father in the successful show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein.
As per a reliable source, “Ashok Lokhande will be part of the male lead’s family. Abhay Bhargava will play the grandfather of the female lead.”
We buzzed the actors and they confirmed their presence in the show.
We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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