Young actor Ayush Shrivastava who played the lead role in Gul Khan and 4 Lions Films’ supernatural show Shamshaan Champa on Shemaroo Umang has bagged his next big show. He has joined the cast of Gul Khan’s next big venture for Star Plus, titled Jaadu Teri Nazar. The show as we know, is a biggie with Zayn Ibad Khan pairing again with Khushi Dubey as the leads. As we know, Producer Gul Khan is known for her stylized presentations of supernatural and fantasy thrillers on television, and this will be an addition to the stunning repertoire. The audiences loved the production’s earlier shows in the genre – Nazar, Yeh Jaadu Hai Jinn Ka etc.

The show has been making it to the headlines for its stunning casting. Actors Shrenu Parikh and Sumbul Touqeer will be a part of the show, playing important cameo roles. The first look of the show has created ripples among fans, with its narrative where Shrenu Parikh is seen giving birth to a son, with evil special powers, who is born in Suryanakshatra, which falls in line with the ambitions of his mother to gain powers.

We at have also written exclusively about actor Siddharth Dhawan being part of the show. If you have missed reading it, you can check it here.

Exclusive: Siddharth Dhawan joins the cast of 4 Lions Films’ supernatural for Star Plus

We now hear of Ayush Shrivastava playing the parallel lead in the show. Ayush has been seen in Alibaba: Ek Andaaz Andekha Chapter 2, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2, Abhay 2, Ishq Subhan Allah, Amar Colony etc.

We buzzed Ayush but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the Producer Gul Khan and channel spokesperson but did not get any revert till we filed the story.

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