Star Plus’ show Jhanak produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures will see a leap post which the lives of Jhanak (Hiba Nawab) and Aniruddh (Krushal Ahuja) will take new turns. Their separation and the entry of Dr Vihaan (Kunal Verma) in the life of Jhanak, will add a new flavour to the story. We have written about Jhanak entering the Gujarati family of Dr Vihaan, later posing to be his wife.

We at have written exclusively about actors Jignesh Joshi and Soniyaa Kaur entering Jhanak, to be part of the new family that is being introduced. If you have missed reading these stories, you can check it here.

Exclusive: Jignesh Joshi to enter Star Plus’ Jhanak

Exclusive: Soniyaa Kaur to enter Star Plus’ Jhanak

Now, we hear of child actor Jia Narigara entering Jhanak amid an intriguing storyline. Jia has earlier featured in successful TV shows like Kumkum Bhagya and Kasautii Zindagii Kay.

As per a reliable source, “Jia will be seen in the new Gujarati household and will have a motherly bond with Jhanak.”

We buzzed Jia but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Jhanak has had a good run in the year 2024. However, in the last leg of the year, Jhanak witnessed a drop in ratings, which compelled the makers and channel to bring in freshness with a twist. Till now, viewers saw the love triangle between Jhanak, Aniruddh and Arshi (Chandni Sharma).

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