Child actress Trisha Sharma who was earlier seen in the Star Plus show Meetha Khatta Pyaar Humara, will be seen in the upcoming Colors show Meri Bhavya Life. The show produced by Sphere Origin will be an inspirational tale of a girl who is on the heftier side, having a positive approach to life. Karan Vohra who was last seen in Zee TV’s Main Hoon Saath Tere will play the male lead, while Prisha Dhatwalia who is a digital creator from Delhi, will play the female lead.

We at have been at the helm, reporting exclusively about actors getting on board this show. We have till now written about seasoned actors Manasi Salvi, Prachi Kowli, Kruttika Desai, Iqbal Azad, Mehul Kajaria, Sheetal Maulik, Disha Upadhyay, Akshita Tiwari being part of the show. You can check the stories here if you have not read them.

Exclusive: Pandya Store fame Kruttika Desai joins the cast of Sphere Origins’ show Meri Bhavya Life on Colors

Now we hear of child actress Trisha Sharma playing the younger version of Bhavya in the show. The show will traverse two different ages of the young Bhavya. While the first younger version will be played by Trisha, Aarna Bhadoriya will play the teenage Bhavya.

As for Trisha, she is a known face in the field of commercials. She has done many commercial advertisements, with her being popularly known for her presence in the popular Surf Excel advertisement.

Trisha is a child actress who is making her way into television slowly. Meri Bhavya Life is her second TV show, and here’s wishing her more such opportunities.

We buzzed Trisha and the channel spokesperson but did not get through to them.

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