Colors show Megha Barsenge produced by Saurabh Tewari’s Parin Multimedia has seen major engrossing drama in the latest episodes. Megha (Neha Rana) and Manoj’s (Kinshuk Mahajan) wedding has happened, and Manoj has already fled to Georgia leaving behind Megha with his parents. Megha has got suspicious of Manoj’s activities after losing not five but ten lakhs from her account, and that too credited to an unknown person, by name Sikandar Talwar. Megha verified in the hospital and was stunned to know that Manoj’s mother’s admission and surgery details are not present in the database. To make it worse, Manoj’s father’s rude behaviour towards Megha upon her questioning will put her in deep shock. In the coming story plot, Megha will go in search of the person by name Sikandar Talwar.

We hear that the show will have an entry in noted Punjabi actor Deep Joshi being roped in for the role. Deep is known for his work in films Bathinda Express, Bloody D etc.

As per a reliable source, “Deep will play the role of Sikandar Talwar, who has a money lending business in the vicinity. Megha’s search will lead to him, and it will be interesting to see how Megha realizes that she has been cheated upon by Manoj.”

We at also wrote about actress Afreen Alvi entering the show as Arjun Talwar’s love interest. If you have missed reading the story, you can check it here.

We buzzed Deep but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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