Seasoned actress Ishita Ganguly who was recently seen in Sun Neo’s Chhati Maiyya Ki Bitiya, will soon join the cast of Shemaroo Umang’s new show. The upcoming show titled ‘Choti Thakurain’ will be produced by writer-turned-producer Raghuvir Shekhawat’s production house, Natkhat Productions.

Media reports state that newcomer Sheel Verma will play the male lead in the show. As per reports, Diksha Dhami who was last seen in Milke Bhi Hum Na Mile, will play the female lead in the show.

We at have heard about Ishita Ganguly joining the show’s cast to play a significant character. Ishita is a powerful performer who is known for her shows Shastri Sisters, Ishq Ka Rang Safed, Y.A.R.O. Ka Tashan, Peshwa Bajirao, Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran, RadhaKrishn, Yeh Hai Chahatein, Nath etc.

As per a reliable source, “Ishita will play the main vamp and negative lead in the show. The character will be of great prominence with a strong graph. It is slated that the actress will be seen in a never-seen-before image.”

We buzzed Ishita but did not get through for a comment.

We reached out to the Producer Raghuvir Shekhawat and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Shemaroo Umang launched family drama show Main Dil Tum Dhadkan in the last quarter of 2024 which is doing well. The channel also launched the supernatural show Shamshaan Champa in the last year.

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