Young actor Aiman Kalia who was seen in the Amazon miniTV series Jamnapaar produced by Sudhir Sharma’s Sunshine Productions has bagged his first project on TV. He has been inducted into the stellar cast of Star Plus’ popular show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, which is all set to witness a leap. As we know, the present cast of the show Hitesh Bharadwaj and Bhavika Sharma along with others will exit the show making way for the new cast to enter. Actors Param Singh, Sanam Johar and Vaibhavi Hankare will play the leads in the show.

We at have reported exclusively about Aditya Deshmukh, Ashok Lokhande, Abhay Bhargava, Sai Deodhar, Priti Harne joining the cast of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. If you have missed reading these exclusive stories on our site, you can check them out here.

Exclusive: Sai Deodhar joins the cast of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, says, ‘It is a beautiful mother-daughter bond’

Exclusive: Ashok Lokhande and Abhay Bhargava join the cast of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin

Now, we hear of Aiman joining the cast as part of the main family.

As per a reliable source, “This will be Aiman’s big break in television. He has been roped in to play the brother of the male lead, played by Param Singh.”

We buzzed the actor but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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