Actor Jignesh Joshi who was recently seen in ZEE5’s Divorce Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega, will soon enter Star Plus’ popular show Jhanak. Produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures, the show will now take a leap after which the story will see the separation of Aniruddh (Krushal Ahuja) and Jhanak (Hiba Nawab). As we know through media reports, actor Kunal Verma will soon enter Jhanak as the new parallel lead and the guy in the life of Jhanak post the leap.

We at hear that actor Jignesh Joshi will also enter Jhanak in a vital role. Jignesh was last seen on television in shows Muskurane Ki Wajah Tum Ho, Durga aur Charu etc. He will be making a comeback to TV after a few years with Jhanak.

Not much is known about the role that Jignesh will play in Jhanak. However, we hear that he will be a vital addition to the upcoming track, which will get into a new phase of storytelling post the leap.

Jhanak has been doing well since its inception. However, in the last few weeks, Jhanak has seen a drop in ratings, getting way below the 2.0 mark on the TVR ratings. This post-leap story is slated to bring freshness to the plot, thereby keeping the viewers intrigued.

The show has Krushal Ahuja, Hiba Nawab and Chandni Sharma playing the leads.

We buzzed Jignesh but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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