Actress Juhi Bajwa who was recently seen in the TV show Aaina, will enter the Colors fantasy and supernatural thriller show Suhagan Chudail. The show produced by Peninsula Pictures has seen a big turnaround with Nishigandha’s (Nia Sharma) past being connected to that of Deeya’s (Debchandrima Singha Roy). It was shown that Nishigandha was killed because of the cruel act of Shalakha, the earlier form of Deeya. And now, in the present, Nishigandha’s lover Shantanu’s soul is present in Moksh (Zayn Ibad Khan).

The story plot has turned quite interesting with this complication arising. Moksh has regained his memory of the past and knows he is Shantanu, the love of Nishigandha. It will be interesting to see what Deeya’s take will be now. Nishigandha will certainly want her Shantanu back and will try to woo Moksh.

At this juncture, Juhi Bajwa will enter the show to play a small cameo.

As per a reliable source, “There will be a track coming related to snakes, and Juhi’s character will be part of it. She will play the role of an Icchadhari Naagin.”

We buzzed Juhi but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

In this supernatural saga, a malevolent Chudail named Nishigandha is on an obsessive quest for Suhaag ki Nishaniyan, ‘Solah Shringars’ – 16 mystical adornments that will bestow upon her unparalleled beauty and the ultimate prize of immortality. With each ‘Shringar’ she collects by sacrificing her husbands, her dark powers grow stronger. Starring Nia Sharma as Nishigandha, the Suhagan Chudail, Debchandrima Singha Roy as Deeya, and Zayn Ibad Khan as Moksh, the show has kickstarted.

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