Actor Kalpesh Chauhan who featured in shows Wagle Ki Duniya and Pushpa Impossible, has an interesting cameo role to play in Balaji Telefilms’ new show Pyaar Kii Raahein, launching today, 27 January, on Dangal. The show projects the lives of two couples, and the actors to play leads are Rachna Parulkar, Manav Dua, Shubhkaraan and Purnima Tiwari. The show’s promo depicted two couples getting married at the same venue. When the first couple is getting married, tension and misunderstandings can be seen among the couple whereas, the second couple is happily married. It shows that the first couple’s marriage is based on sacrifice so that the second couple can live happily together.

We at reported exclusively about Shubhkaraan bagging the show. We also wrote about actors Jyoti Tiwari and Resham Tipnis bagging the show. If you have missed reading our stories, you can check it here.

Exclusive: Yeh Hai Chahatein fame Shubhkaraan joins the cast of Balaji Telefilms’ Dangal show

Exclusive: Jyoti Tiwari joins the cast of Balaji Telefilms’ Dangal show

Exclusive: Resham Tipnis joins the cast of Balaji Telefilms’ Dangal show

We now hear of Kalpesh Chauhan playing a vital cameo role that will be integral to the storyline.

We buzzed the actor and he confirmed the news to us.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Watch this space at for exclusive updates.