Ekta Kapoor and Balaji Telefilms’ upcoming show for Sony TV has been in the limelight ever since the team cast the magical Jodi of Karan Patel and Divyanka Tripathi as leads. The pair of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein was supposed to bring their charm to the new show. However, the show was postponed owing to a few major reasons. Now, the new development from the show is that both Karan and Divyanka are not doing the show anymore.

Yes, we at IWMBuzz.com have heard exclusively that both Karan Patel and Divyanka Tripathi are not part of the show now. The search for the new pair has been on for some time now, which was the actual reason for the delay.

We at IWMBuzz.com hear exclusively that Sony TV and Balaji Telefilms are most likely to zero in on the big names Harshad Chopda and Shivangi Joshi as the leads of the show.

As per a reliable source, “The channel wanted popular names to play the leads. Hence the hunt was on to find the apt names for the show. Now, advanced talks are on with both Harshad Chopda and Shivangi Joshi. Though there is no confirmation yet on the same, it is most likely that this will be the new big pair to look out for in Hindi TV.”

As we know, both Harshad Chopda and Shivangi Joshi have earlier ben part of the Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai legacy. However, they were not part of the same generation. In fact, Pranali Rathod was also considered for the same role, but Shivangi will likely get the nod.

We at IWMBuzz.com have written exclusively about more of the cast that is on board the show. We have written about actors Divyangana Jain, Rishi Deshmukh, Yash Pandit, Rohit Choudhary, Mansi Srivastava, and Neetha Shetty being part of the show.

We buzzed the actors but did not get through to them.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get through with a revert.

Watch this space at IWMBuzz.com for exclusive updates.