Ace filmmaker and Producer Sooraj Barjatya’s banner Rajshri Productions will soon bankroll a progressive family concept on Doordarshan. Doordarshan is set to launch a few big TV shows in the New Year 2025. This comes after the successful launch of Fauji 2, the prestigious show produced by Sandeep Singh under the banner Legend Studios. Also, Doordarshan launched the mythological show titled Kaakbhushundi Ramayan, produced by Sagar World Multimedia.

The acclaimed banner Rajshri Productions is known for path-breaking concepts on television, a few of which include Woh Rehne Waali Mehlon Ki, Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli, Do Hanson Ka Jodaa, Pyaar K Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara, Mere Rang Mein Rangne Waali, Piya Albelaa etc. Rajshri Productions will also make its foray into the web space with the series titled Bada Naam Karenge, directed by Palash Vasvani.

Now, the news that has is that the banner will soon be put up for a show on Doordarshan. Popular actor Krishna Kaul who came into the limelight with Zee TV and Balaji Telefilms’ long-running show Kumkum Bhagya, in the role of Ranbir Kohli, has been finalized to play the male lead.

As per a reliable source, “Krishna Kaul will play the male lead and will be seen in a new light as a performer.”

We buzzed Krishna, but did not get through to him.

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