Actor and model Lavanyaa Singh will play an interesting negative role in the upcoming show on Colors titled Durga. The show produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures has Pranali Rathod and Aashay Mishra in lead roles. Indira Krishnan, Parineeta Borthakur, Jaya Binju Tyagi, Digvijay Purohit, Krrishna Soni, Aditi Asija, Jasjeet Babbar, Sachin Verma, Akanksha Gilani, Rishi Kaushik will also be a part of the stellar cast.

We at have been at the helm, reporting about exclusive newsbreaks about the cast joining the show. You can check the stories here if you missed reading them.

Exclusive: Aashay Mishra roped in as lead opposite Pranali Rathod in Colors’ next

Exclusive: Indira Krishnan joins the cast of Colors’ Durga

Durga’s engaging promos give a larger-than-life picture of the love story between Anurag and Durga. Durga is an orphan raised by the royal family, while Anurag is the prince of the royal family. The matriarch of the family, Panna Bai is seen opposing this love story. The promos reveal that though Durga is raised by the affluent family, the family is not ready to make her the daughter-in-law.

As per a reliable source, “Lavanyaa will be part of the cast of Durga in a meaty role. She will play a negative character, and will have a track against the main character of Durga.”

We buzzed the actress but did not get to speak to her.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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