Actor Manraj Singh Sarma who was seen in Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2, will soon enter the Sun Neo show Saajha Sindoor. Produced by Bhairavi Raichura and Nandita Mehra’s 24 Frames, the show follows the tale of Phooli who faced the societal issue of being an unmarried widow. The show will soon see the new Dhara entering the story plot to provide a new twist. Gagan (Sahil Uppal) and Phooli’s (Stuti Goyal) life will go through a new turmoil with the return of Dhara in their lives. Recently, the show saw Alisha Bose’s entry in the role of Dhara, wherein she replaced Krutika Desai.

Now, we hear of Manraj Singh entering the show as the parallel lead.

As per a reliable source, “Manraj will play the role of Rudr Veer Singh, who will be a positive person, who has a pained past.”

Manraj is known for his roles in Romil & Jugal, Yeh Dil Sun Raha Hai, Qayaamat Ki Raat, Kaleerein etc.

Saajha Sindoor the well-received show on Sun Neo, has Sahil Uppal, Stuti Goyal playing the leads. The show’s casting is done by Adityoa Suranna Casting Company. The show is produced by Nandita Mehra and Bhairavi Raichura’s 24 Frames.

It will be interesting to see if Manraj’s entry will hinder the lives of Gagan and Phooli.

We buzzed Manraj but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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