Actor Nitin Bhatia who was last seen in Colors’ Dharampatnii has joined the cast of Balaji Telefilms’ upcoming show on Sony TV. The show has been in the headlines for a long time now, as it has seen a delay in progress owing to the leads being replaced. As we know, Karan Patel and Divyanka Tripathi were to play the leads in the show and cast their magical spell on audiences again after Yeh Hai Mohabbaten. But now, popular actors of the Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai legacy, Harshad Chopda and Shivangi Joshi are all set to spearhead the show as leads.

With developments happening crisp and fast, the show is now on course to go on the floor soon. We at were the ones to report exclusively about Harshad Chopda and Shivangi Joshi being brought on board the show. We also wrote about Divyangana Jain, Rishi Deshmukh, Yash Pandit, Rohit Choudhary, Mansi Srivastava, and Neetha Shetty being part of the show. If you have not read these exclusive reports at, you can check them here.

Exclusive: Karan Patel and Divyanka Tripathi NOT part of Balaji Telefilms’ Sony TV show; Harshad Chopda and Shivangi Joshi likely to play leads

Exclusive: Udti Ka Naam Rajjo fame Divyangana Jain joins Divyanka Tripathi and Karan Patel in Ekta Kapoor’s new show for Sony TV

Exclusive: Mansi Srivastava joins the cast of Balaji Telefilms’ Sony TV show

Now, we hear that Nitin will join the cast of the show. Nitin has been part of Balaji Telefilms shows like Naagin 6, Yeh Hai Chahatein, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 3 etc.

As per a reliable source, “Nitin will play the bestie of both the male lead as well as the female leads. It will be an interesting role, quite stylish.”

We buzzed Nitin but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Watch this space at for exclusive updates.