Versatile actor Vijayendra Kumeria who is presently playing the lead in Star Plus’ Deewaniyat is all set to enter into his next garb, a role that will yet again challenge him as a performer. Vijayendra is all set to join the Zee TV show Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah, produced by Guruodev Bhalla Productions. As we know, Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah is seeing a generation leap after which the story will see a fresh new phase.
The casting for the leads in the show is presently happening. We at have reported exclusively about Sagar Parekh playing the male lead in the show. Sagar who was seen in Anupamaa, was recently seen in Mera Balam Thanedaar. If you have missed reading this, you can check it here.
Media has been abuzz with reports about Namish Taneja and Rachana Mistry too joining the cast as the leads of the show.
However, we at have got the latest information on the casting that the show will see.
As per a reliable source, “Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah will leap soon, after which Sagar Parekh and Rachana Mistry will play the leads. It will not be Namish Taneja joining them as the other lead. However, it will be Vijayendra Kumeria playing the prized role.”
Vijayendra Kumeria who engaged his fans with the portrayal of a Sardar character in Teri Meri Doriyaann, will take up yet another unique challenge through this show. Vijyendra and Guruodev Bhalla have earlier associated for the successful show Udaan on Colors.
We buzzed Vijayendra but did not get through to him.
We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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