Seasoned actress Kruttika Desai who was last seen in the popular Star Plus show Pandya Store, will now be seen in yet another powerful role in Colors’ upcoming show. Titled Meri Bhavya Life, the channel will come up with an inspiring story of a confident girl who is on the heftier side. The show will be produced by Sphere Origins. Kruttika who was part of the production’s last successful show Pandya Store, will associate with them again for this new show.

The promo of Meri Bhavya Life is on air, and it has been appreciated by masses. The show has Karan Vohra and Prisha Dhatwalia playing the lead roles.

We at reported about the lead actors being Karan Vohra and Prisha Dhatwalia in the show. Karan was last seen in Main Hoon Saath Tere while Prisha is a newcomer, who is a known digital creator from Delhi. We also wrote about seasoned actors Manasi Salvi and Prachi Kowli being part of the show. If you have missed reading these articles, you can check them here.

Exclusive: Prachi Kowli joins the cast of Sphere Origins’ Meri Bhavya Life for Colors

As per a reliable source, “The unit of the show is bound for an outdoor shoot schedule. Kruttika Desai is on board and plays a significantly strong role.”

We buzzed the actress but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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