Yeh Hai Chahatein the Star Plus show produced by Balaji Telefilms will soon go through a generation leap. Lead actors Abrar Qazi and Sargun Kaur Luthra will continue to play the leads in the show. As we know, Armaan is killed in the present plot for which Preesha was arrested as the prime suspect. However, Rudraksh has come forward and has found out that Revati was the one who had killed Armaan. Now with Revati in jail, all seems fine for Rudraksh and Preesha. But Revati has a bigger plan in place for the couple.

Post the generation leap, Abrar will play the role of Rudraksh and Preesha’s son. Sargun will play a new character is what we hear.

News coming to us at is that senior actress Pratichi Mishra will play an integral part in the cast post the generation leap.

As per a reliable source, “Pratichi will play the role of the lead’s mother.”

Pratichi was last seen in Colors’ Muskuraane Ki Wajah Tum Ho.

We buzzed Pratichi but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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