Young actor Pulkit Bangia who is known for his portrayals in Kumkum Bhagya, Faltu, Guldasta, Sab Satrangi, Sapnon Ki Chhalaang etc, will soon enter Zee TV’s Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye. Produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators, the show will see a small time leap, which will take the lives of Virat and Amruta to a new phase. As we know, the pre-leap climax saw the death of Priyanka (Pratiksha Honmukhe), which was accidental, when she was fighting with Amruta for the gun.
We at also wrote about Amruta being kidnapped by Rajeev and taken to the cliff where both Virat and Amruta’s lives will be in danger. As we know, Amruta and Virat were on the verge of starting their marital life after solving all the problems when things went out of hand for them.
Now, we at have the news of Pulkit Bangia’s entry into the show.
As per a reliable source, “The Ahuja family headed by Dildar Ahuja (Ashish Kaul) and Babita Ahuja (Kishori Shahane) will see an extension with Dildar’s younger brother’s family staying with them.”
Pulkit, we hear will be the son of Dildar’s brother, and will be the cousin of Virat Singh Ahuja.
We buzzed Pulkit but did not get through to him.
We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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Pulkit later confirmed his entry by saying, “I am really excited to be a part of this show. I play Abir’s character who looks high on energy, flamboyant and is a carefree guy, but what people actually don’t know is the depth of his personality. What I love about this role is the amount of layers this character has and how much he’s willing to prove his worth to his own family. It’s been an amazing experience so far, and I can’t wait for the audience to see the character’s journey unfold!”