Senior actor Rishi Deshpande who was recently seen in the Rohit Shetty hit film Singham Again, has bagged a meaty role in Balaji Telefilms’ next on TV. The actor who is known for his portrayals in projects Samaira, Little Things, Udaan, Dhanak etc has bagged a significant character in Ekta Kapoor’s show on Sony TV. This show is touted to be the next big romantic extravaganza on the small screen, considering that it brings back the aura and onscreen chemistry of actors Karan Patel and Divyanka Tripathi. The duo has been popular from the show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein.
We at reported exclusively about actress of Udti Ka Nam Rajjo fame Divyangana Jain playing the negative lead in the show. If you have missed reading this story, you can check it here.
We now hear of seasoned actor Rishi Deshpande playing a significant role in the show.
We buzzed the actor but did not get through to him.
We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
Sony TV is all set for the launch of the new season of CID, the cop drama series. The show will be back after years and is presently produced by Banijay Asia.
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