Seasoned actor Sachin Parikh who has featured in challenging roles in projects on TV and OTT space like Crackdown, Main Atal Hoon, Pushpa Impossible, Avrodh The Seige Within etc, has bagged a meaty role on TV. He will be seen in Zee TV’s upcoming show produced by Arvind Babbal, the renowned Producer and Director. The show will be an engrossing tale of a royal Rajput family.

We at have already reported about Nausheen Ali Sardar playing a pivotal role in the show. If you have missed reading this story, you can check it here.

Exclusive: Nausheen Ali Sardar to play a pivotal role in Producer Arvind Babbal’s next for Zee TV

Now, we hear of Sachin Parikh joining the cast of the Zee TV show in a vital role.

As per a reliable source, “Sachin Parikh will play the husband of Nausheen in the show. Nausheen will be the most powerful person in the family, and her husband will be her pillar of support.”

We buzzed Sachin but did not get revert from the actor.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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