Actor Sagar Parekh who was last seen in Colors’ Mera Balam Thanedaar will now play one of the lead roles in Zee TV’s show Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah. As we know, the show will soon take a leap and will focus the story on the grown-up Jagriti. This Guruodev Bhalla Productions show has Asmi Deo, Yash Gera, Aarya Babbar, Titiksha Shri playing vital roles.

The media is abuzz with the recent developments regarding the new cast coming on board the show. Reports suggest that Namish Taneja who was last seen in Colors Mishri will play the male lead in the show. There are also reports of Rachana Mistry of Na Umra Ki Seema Ho fame playing the titular role of Jagriti.

We now hear of Sagar being roped in to play the other male lead. Sagar is known for his portrayal of Samar Shah in Rajan Shahi and Star Plus’ Anupamaa. He was also seen in Raja Betaa, Balika Vadhu 2, Fanaa: Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 etc.

We buzzed Sagar but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till the time we filed the story.

Jagriti – Ek Nayi Subah, produced by Guroudev Bhalla Productions, portrays the courageous journey of 7-year-old Jagriti, a determined girl challenging the unjust labelling of her Chitta community as criminals. Jagriti, portrayed by the talented Asmi Deo, boldly questions the norms, sparking a spirited battle for her community’s dignity and rights. Arya Babbar returns to TV after eight years as Kalikant Thakur, the village’s powerful and corrupt figure who uses bribery to sustain his illegal activities. His oppressive leadership and exploitation create a dark environment that Jagriti aims to confront, highlighting social injustice.

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