Seasoned actress Sai Deodhar who was last seen in the TV show Dabangii – Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi, has joined the stellar cast of Star Plus’ popular show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. Produced by Pradeep Kumar and Rajesh Ram Singh’s Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment, the show will see yet another leap wherein the introduction of the new generation lead cast will happen soon. The first promo wherein the evergreen actress Rekha introduces audiences to the lead cast of the new generation, has been engaging. Actors Param Singh, Sanam Johar and Vaibhavi Hankare will play the leads in the show.
As we know, the cult show started with Neil Bhatt and Ayesha Singh playing the leads. Later, Bhavika Sharma and Shakti Arora were introduced as the leads, after which Bhavika was retained with Hitesh Bharadwaj coming in as the lead. Now, it will be the next generation coming in.
We at have reported exclusively about actor Aditya Deshmukh joining the show’s cast. If you have missed reading it, you can check it here.
We now hear of versatile actress Sai Deodhar playing a vital role in the show. Sai was recently seen in the ZEE5 series Maeri.
As per a reliable source, “Sai will play the heroine’s mother. She will be an integral part of the storyline, playing a powerful role.”
When contacted, Sai confirmed the news to, saying, “Yes, I am happy to be doing Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. This is a beautiful mother-daughter story, and I play an important role in the story plot. It is a sophisticated character, and I look forward to this journey. Television has always been my first love, and it is a great feeling to play unique roles.”
We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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