Seasoned actor Shahbaz Khan who has an enormous profile, having been part of the most illustrious projects on the big screen as well as on the television, is making a comeback to television. He has been roped in to play a pivotal role in the 4 Lions Films and Rajita Sharma’s Katha Cottage Productions’ helmed show for Colors. There have been a lot of media reactions to this new engrossing show coming up for Colors. Earlier, actors Randeep Rai and Aditi Sharma had been roped in to play the leads. However, the story plot of the show saw a change, with the ages of the leads being made younger. This meant that Randeep and Aditi had to make way. A lot of names were written about in the media as the leads of the show. However, the Producer Karishma Jain had put up a social media story that she had not locked any actor to play the leads till that point in time.

Now, we hear of the thespian actor Shahbaz Khan being roped in to play a crucial role. Shahbaz Khan needs no introduction. He is known for his big-screen projects Major Saab, Arjun Pandit, Looteri Dulhan and many more. On TV, he has donned many socially inclined roles as well as mythological and historical roles. A few of the TV projects include Chandrakanta, The Sword of Tipu Sultan, Grihasti, Afsar Bitiya, Santoshi Maa, Tenali Rama, Nath – Zevar Ya Zanjeer, Ram Siya Ke Luv Kush etc.

As per a reliable source, “The show will soon go underway and Shahbaz Khan will play a significantly impactful role in the show.”

We buzzed Shahbaz but did not get through to him.

We reached out to Producer Rajita Sharma and the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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