Senior actor Shahbaz Khan has won a double bonanza on Colors. We at wrote exclusively about the actor bagging a prized role in the upcoming Colors show, to be produced by Karishma Jain’s 4 Lions Films and Rajita Sharma’s Katha Kottage Productions. And now, we hear of Shahbaz soon to enter the mythological show on Colors, Laxmi Narayan –  Sukh Samarthya Santulan. Produced by Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s Swastik Productions, the show has Srikant Dwivedi and Shivya Pathania playing the lead roles. The show traces the eternal love story of Lakshmi and Narayan.

Ram Yashvardhan who essays Lord Shiv, and Subha Rajput who plays Goddess Parvati, in the show Shiv Shakti Tap Tyaag Tandav, play the same characters in Laxmi Narayan.  Tarun Khanna and Puneet Vashist also reprise their roles of Lord Indra and Narad from the show Shiv Shakti Tap Tyaag Tandav.

In the track related to Krishna that is going to be aired in Laxmi Narayan, his childhood adventures will be shown. His escapades and daring fight with Kans will also be a highlight of the episodes.

The makers have roped in Shahbaz Khan to play the role of Kans, is what we hear. The actor is known for his powerful roles in mythological, social dramas and historicals on TV.

We reached out to the actor but did not get any revert.

We touched base with the Producer Siddharth Kumar Tewary and the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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