Gehna – Zevar Ya Zanjeer the successful Dangal show produced by Story Square Productions stars actors Paras Arora and Divya Patel playing the leads. The show dives into the heart of rural India, exploring the enduring customs and the indomitable human spirit. The story is inspired by the prevalent tradition of demanding dowries in rural areas. Educated men are often seen as valuable, with families demanding high dowries from prospective brides’ families. When poor families cannot meet these demands, a grim custom called “Pakadwa Shaadi” emerges, where grooms are kidnapped and forced into marriage at gunpoint.

We now hear of actress Shivi Rehal entering the show. She was earlier seen in Nazara TV’s Beti Hamari Anmol.

Shivi will play the role of the male lead’s sister who will be mentally unstable.

We buzzed Shivi but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

“Gehna Zevar Ya Zanjeer” highlights the archaic custom, presenting a story of love, sacrifice, and resilience. The Programming Team during the launch of the show expressed their passion for the show, stating, “This is a story that needed to be told. It delves into the harsh realities faced by many women while highlighting their strength and courage. Crafting and scripting Gehna has been a transformative experience. Her journey is one of heartache and hope, and we believe audiences will connect deeply with her story.”

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