Producers Alind Srivastava and Nissar Parvez, are all set to launch the historical show on the life and journey of Tulsidas, the renowned poet. The show titled Rambhakt Tulsidas will be produced by Piyush Gupta, Alind Srivastava and Nissar Parvez’ Raindance Entertainment. The show will have child actor Naman Ratan playing the titular role of Tulsidas. Tarun Khanna, Rati Pandey and Amit Pachori will be in the prime cast. Peninsula Pictures is also working on a supernatural thriller for Colors, a genre where they have made many successful shows.

This show is said to be for the late-night programming slot on Colors. has learnt exclusively about Shruti Bhist who played the lead role in Mishri on Colors, being locked to play the female lead. As we know, Shruti Bhist has been a popular child actor who bagged her first lead role with Mishri.

Joining her will be noted Bengali actor Arjun Chakrabarty. Arjun is best known for his portrayal of the character Gora in the Bengali musical television series Gaaner Oparey which aired on Star Jalsha. He is also known for his Zee Bangla show Jamai Raja. Arjun made his silver screen debut with the film Bapi Bari Jaa, a romantic-comedy film. He was last seen in the film 5 No Swapnomoy Lane.

As per a reliable source, “The cast of the show is all set to go on an outdoor shoot pretty soon. Shruti and Arjun will play the leads.”

We buzzed the actors but did not get through for a comment.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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