Senior actor Siddharth Dhawan who was last seen in Star Plus’ Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey has bagged a plump role in Star Plus’ upcoming supernatural presentation, coming from Gul Khan’s 4 Lions Films. Yes, you heard it right!! Siddharth has been brought on board the show titled Jaadu Hai Tere Pyaar Mein, which will bring back the magical pairing of Zayn Ibad Khana and Khushi Dubey in lead roles. Producer Gul Khan is known for her stylized presentations of supernatural and fantasy thrillers on television, and this will be an addition to the stunning repertoire. The audiences loved the production’s earlier shows in the genre – Nazar, Yeh Jaadu Hai Jinn Ka etc.

The show has been making it to the headlines for its stunning casting. Actors Shrenu Parikh and Sumbul Touqeer will be a part of the show, playing important cameo roles. Both the actors confirmed their presence in the show over the weekend by putting up pictures on social media from the sets along with Producer Gul Khan.

We at have heard that actor Siddharth Dhawan who is the son of senior actor Anil Dhawan, will make his presence felt in the show in a significant role. Siddharth was recently seen in the well-accepted film Binny and Family.

We buzzed the actor but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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