Actor Siddharth Shivpuri who was last seen in TV show Purnima will soon enter Rajan Shahi and Star Plus’ show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Director’s Kut has been serving the audience with high-intensity drama, which has resulted in the relationship between Armaan (Rohit Purohit) and Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) getting complicated. As we know, the setback was created when Vidya rammed her car into Abhir (Mohit Parmar), injuring him permanently. Vidya was sentenced to 10 years of jail imprisonment in the following court case. However, Armaan and Abhira battled to get Vidya out of jail. Though Vidya got out of jail, her profound anger over Abhira made her want to take revenge against her. Vidya threw her angst on her son Armaan and forced him to avenge Abhira.

Now, at this precarious phase in the show, the actor Siddharth Shivpuri is slated to make his entry. Siddharth is known for his portrayals in shows Yeh Hai Chahatein, Sasural Simar Ka, Naagin, Rishta Likhenge Hum Naya etc.

As per a reliable source, “Siddharth’s entry in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, will add a new flavour to the relationship of Armaan and Abhira. It will be interesting to see how the dynamics between Armaan and Abhira change with the arrival of this new entry.”

We buzzed Siddharth but did not get through to him.

We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

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