Actress Simron Upadhyay who was seen in Zee TV’s Rabb Se Hai Dua, Rang Jau Tere Rang Main etc, has joined the cast of Peninsula Pictures’ upcoming show for Colors. Titled ‘Pari Mahal’, the supernatural thriller show has an intriguing story based out in Kolkata. As we know, Alind Srivastava and Nissar Parvez along with Piyush Gupta are also working on a Zee TV historical titled Rambhakt Tulsidas.
We at were the first to report exclusively about Mishri fame Shruti Bhist and noted Bengali actor Arjun Chakraborty playing the leads in this supernatural. We also wrote about seasoned actress Narayani Shastri’s role in the storyline. If you have missed reading these stories, you can check them here.
Exclusive: Narayani Shastri joins the cast of Peninsula Pictures’ next for Colors
We now hear of Simron joining the cast of the show in a vital role.
As per a reliable source, “She will play a key member in the male lead’s family.”
We buzzed Simron but did not get through to her.
We reached out to the Producer and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
In addition to this supernatural thriller, Colors is also working on another supernatural titled Chetki, which is the Hindi version of a famous Marathi show.
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