Actress Soniyaa Kaur who was last seen in Zee TV’s Ikk Kudi Punjab Di, will soon enter the Star Plus show Jhanak. The show produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures will soon take a leap post which a Gujarati family will be introduced. This show hovering around the Bengali family setup will add this new flavour of depicting the lifestyle of a Gujarati family.
As we know, Kunal Verma will enter the show as the parallel lead. As per reports in the media, he will be the new guy in the life of Jhanak after her separation from Aniruddh. Krushal Ahuja and Hiba Nawab play the leads in the show. The show focussed on the love triangle between Jhanak, Aniruddh and Arshi (Chandni Sharma) till now.
We at wrote exclusively about actor Jignesh Joshi being cast in the show. If you have missed reading it, you can read it here.
Exclusive: Jignesh Joshi to enter Star Plus’ Jhanak
We now hear of Soniyaa Kaur also entering the show.
As per a reliable source, “She will be part of the newly introduced Gujarati family. She will be the sister-in-law of Kunal Verma’s character and the daughter-in-law in the house.”
We buzzed Soniyaa but did not get through to her.
We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
Watch this space at for exclusive updates.