Rashmi Sharma Productions will soon come up with a show on Dangal. The show which will be a family drama which will have an exciting storyline. As per media reports, Simba Nagpal and Shagun Singh will play the leads in the show. Simba who has done Naagin 6 was recently in contention for his lead role in Colors’ Apollena Sapno Ki Unchi Udann. Shagun Singh was earlier seen in Dhartiputra Nandini, Mast Mauli etc.

We now at IWMBuzz.com hear that veteran actor Sudesh Berry will join the cast of the show to play the father’s character. He will have a powerful role to play. Sudesh Berry was last seen in Sony SAB’s Vanshaj.

He will be joined by Nilima Singh who was last seen in Colors’ Suhaagan. She is known for her portrayals in show Nimki Mukhiya.

As per a reliable source, “Sudesh Berry will play father to the male lead, while Nilima will be the female lead’s mother.”

We buzzed the actors but did not get through to them.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Rashmi Sharma Productions had Do Dooni Pyaar on air on Star Plus, which was a unique concept of identical twins. The show was launched amid much expectations, but could not garner desirable TRPs. This is the production’s next launch after Do Dooni Pyaar.

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