Transgender actress Shubhi Sharma who was recently seen in the Sony SAB show Dhruv Tara Samay Sadi Se Pare, will soon be seen in the newly launched Dangal show Prem Leela. Produced by Gul Khan’s 4 Lions Films and creatively helmed by Rupali Guha, the show has started off well with a lot of intriguing elements in the storyline appealing to the audience. The show stars Aakash Ahuja and Saachi Tiwari as leads.
Set in the raw and rugged lands of Chambal, where hatred and vengeance rule, Prem Leela provides a unique platform for a love story to blossom amidst bloodshed and enmity. This love story drama is mounted on a big scale, giving viewers huge expectations.
We hear that for a celebratory sequence that will be shown in the show, transgender actress Shubhi Sharma will be a part.
Shubhi has been part of TV shows Chand Jalne Laga, Aaina-Roop Nahi Haqikat Bhi Dikhaye, Saath Nibhaana Saathiya, Saavi Ki Savaari etc.
As per a reliable source, “The engagement ceremony will be in progress and the celebratory affair will be planned with music and dhol playing. Amidst this, it is believed that Shubhi will enter the show.”
We buzzed the actress but did not get through to her.
We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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