Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye the Zee TV show produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators has had a good run of over a year. The show which stars Arijit Taneja and Sriti Jha in lead roles, has been popular for its realistic storytelling, and the onscreen aura of the lead characters, Virat and Amruta. The show presently, is headed for the climax of the ongoing track, where Amruta is seen as a ghost, in her bid to expose Priyanka’s wily deeds and get back the Ahuja property from her.

At this juncture, we at IWMBuzz.com have heard that Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye is headed for a leap. The leap will be of a few years, with which the story progression will spearhead a fresh beginning.

As per a reliable source, “The ongoing ghost track will soon culminate, leading to a new phase in the show. The show will take a leap, the duration of which is under discussion. The proposed time jump is three years, but is not confirmed as of now.”

Producer Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators has recently launched its second show titled Mannat: Har Khushi Paane Ki on Colors, starring Adnan Khan and Ayesha Singh.

We buzzed Producer Mukta but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Watch this space at IWMBuzz.com for exclusive updates.