Veteran filmmaker Manjul Sinha, known for his contribution to Indian television, has passed away. He suffered a massive heart attack in Goa, leaving the film, television, and advertising industries in mourning.

Manjul Sinha was widely recognized for his work on the popular TV show Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi, which brought joy to households across the country. His storytelling and direction had a lasting impact on Indian television during its early days.

Filmmaker and producer Ashoke Pandit, who worked closely with Sinha, expressed his grief and shock at the news. Pandit recalled his time as an associate director under Sinha, describing him as a mentor who taught him the nuances of filmmaking, discipline, and life. Pandit emphasized the significant role Sinha played in shaping his career and the positive influence he had on those around him.

In his tribute, Pandit said he was “speechless and sad” over the loss. He also extended his condolences to Sinha’s family, with whom he shared a close bond. Pandit remarked on the void Sinha’s passing has left in the creative industries, describing it as a great loss.

Manjul Sinha’s contributions to Indian entertainment are remembered fondly by those who knew him and by the audiences who enjoyed his work. His legacy continues to inspire filmmakers and storytellers.

May his soul rest in peace.