Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai the Star Plus show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen the replacement of Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe happening a few months back. Rohit Purohit and Garvita Sadhwani entered the show in the roles of Armaan Poddar and Ruhi respectively. The initial reactions to this dual replacement were strong, with people wanting to see Shehzada back on the show. However, with time, the laments have died down, as the actors Rohit and Garvita have very effectively gotten into their characters and are performing well.
In a recent interview to Telly Talk India, Garvita had told the media, that the backlashes to bring back Shehzada Dhami into the show, no longer exist. We take a reference from that comment and article of Garvita for our reference in this story.
In a conversation with Telly Talk India, Garvita says, ”To be honest, Ruhi par toh maine nahi dekha backlash, no offence. Ruhi ke liye toh tha ke acha lag raha hai. About Armaan, when you change the hero of a show it is a shock to everybody. But I think Rohit has been doing a fantastic job. Everything has changed now, unka naya hashtag bhi bann chuka hai. People are loving Rohit, he keeps trending on twitter, I have seen it so many times and they have amazing chemistry. (Rohit and Samridhii) Now you cannot blame the audience. When you are feeding them something for a month and then suddenly change it, of course they will react. But now, after three months, I do not think they want him back because they are happy with the Armaan that they have now. The audience is very smart, wo samjh jaati hai. Shuru mein the most human reaction is denial, but then they have accepted things now.”
We have to say that this is so beautifully told and put by Garvita!! It seems visibly true that Rohit Purohit and Garvita Sadhwani have made a place for themselves in the viewers’ hearts!!
What do you think?