Popular TV actor Harshad Arora, known for his appearance in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, recently got married to his fiancee Muskaan Rajput in Dehradun. Now, the actor has uploaded a glimpse of his grand wedding video on his Instagram handle, sharing his sweet story with his fans and followers. The video is undoubtedly a treat for his fans, and one should not miss it.
The wedding video begins with the bride and groom getting ready for the big day. Harshad wore a creamy white sherwani with matching pajamas, jutis, and pagdi. The green emerald accessories complimented his appearance. On the other hand, Muskaan wore a beautiful red bridal lehenga, and she looked gorgeous. The netted chunni with heavily embellished accessories head to toe, the pretty bride served ‘fairy’ vibes. The couple looked happy throughout the wedding festivities, and their beautiful smile highlighted their chemistry together. Sharing the adorable video of the grand wedding celebration with sparkling decorations, music, and dance, the actor captioned his post, “Our story just began (with an infinity and a pink heart emoji).”
Harshad Arora and Muskaan Rajput dated for two years before they decided to become life partners in 2024. The duo got married on 8 December 2024 in Muskaan’s hometown, Dehradun. After two days of marriage, they also held a reception in Delhi. Today, after almost five days of marriage, the actor shared the grand wedding glimpse.