India Today group’s digital-first regional channel, Gujarat Tak, marks the launch of its website with an election-focussed on-ground political event, ‘Gujarat Tak Baithak. The ‘Baithak’ will commence with the launch of the Gujarati-language website,, and portray a picture of the upcoming assembly elections.
Baithak will be graced by eminent personalities from Gujarat’s political realm, including Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi, BJP’s CR Patil, Congress’s Jignesh Mevani & Lalit Kagathara, AAP’s Isudan Garvi, and AIMIM’s Waris Pathan.
Sharing his views on the initiative, Milind Khandekar, Managing Editor, Tak, comments, “Our journey in Gujarat market has been impeccable. We entered through varied social media platforms and within a year we are ready to launch our own digital-destination. The website will feature exclusively tailored content especially for Gujarati-speaking digital audience. It will act as a comprehensive platform with all content categorised in systematic formats like text-news articles, web-stories, and videos.
Adding to the reasons on launching the website, Vivek Gaur, CEO, Tak, says, “After covering Maharashtra and UP, Gujarat will be the third regional-market with our native platform. Gujarat Tak as a channel had crossed 100 million views in FY21-22 on social media. The launch of the website further establishes Trust, Authenticity & Knowledge with the end-consumer.”
About India Today’s digital-first channels:
TAK & Lallantop are a part of India Today’s digital-first group of channels. The network currently covers national, regional and interest-based news with 21 channels, 5 websites and 4 mobile applications. There are 85.3 million subscribers/page-likes and close to 11 billion video-views across all its social-media platforms*.
Source: Consolidated YT, FB Video-views, Jul’21-Jun’22 | YT Subscribers, FB Page-likes, Jun’22 | Tak universe + Lallantop