Hitesh Bharadwaj has become a household name portraying the character of Rajat Thakkar in Star Plus‘ one of the top shows Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, produced by Cockrow Entertainment. From the last few days, there has been news buzzing around that the show will likely go off-air, and many have claimed that there would be a leap. As of now, as per the reports, nothing is confirmed, but the show will soon witness a big leap, after which all the old characters will be replaced, and the show will continue with a new story and cast.

With this, the news of Bhavika Sharma and Hitesh Bharadwaj’s exit also surfaced, and it is true. However, there is no confirmation about the last-day shoot, but if reports are to be believed, the Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin team shot the last episode on 18 January. Further details, only time will tell. But the lead actor, Hitesh, shared a heartfelt message for his fans before his exit from the show.

On his social media, Hitesh shared a video featuring a crying scene of himself after Kiyaan’s death from today’s episode. As he shared this clip, the actor penned a heartfelt message for his fans, expressing his gratitude for loving him. He also expressed happiness and gratitude for being an actor and entertaining the audience with his work.

View Instagram Post 1: Hitesh Bharadwaj's Heartfelt Message Ahead Of His Exit From Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin

In his long caption, Hitesh said, “To bring a smile to their faces. To move them to tears.
To have the opportunity to make them feel so many emotions through my work—
I feel deeply grateful to be an actor.
I owe everything to my audience, and I carry immense gratitude in my heart for their support.
Every time I prepare for a shot, one of the thoughts that crosses my mind is how my audience will feel.
I am truly thankful for this life and for all the people who believe in me.”