Sad news for the avid viewers of SAB TV’s Icchapyaari Naagin (Alchemy Productions).
The romantic fantasy which started beaming mid 2016, is set to bid adieu to its viewers.
The show which has a stellar starcast including Mishkat Varma, Priyal Gor, Farida Dadi and Sadhil Kapoor will go off-air in July end.
Furthermore, we hear Contiloe’s upcoming Tenali Rama is expected to replace the above project.
We buzzed the Producer Siddharth P Malhotra and the leads Priyal and Mishkat but they all remained unavailable to comment.
About The Author
Srividya Rajesh
Srividya Rajesh, Co Founder & Associate Editor at IWMBuzz, sleeps, eats and drinks news. With cheetah like pace and a Herculean heart, Srividya (called Sri lovingly by friends and fraternity) is undoubedtly the queen of breaking news and latest updates in the Indian television industry. Operating from Chennai, Sri has her eyes and ears on movements in Mumbai. Fearless and fierce, Sri is a revered figure in the industry. Team leader, motivator and a go getter, Sri is the pillar in the editorial foundation at IWMBuzz and is responsible for smooth functioning of the news pipeline.