AajTak is on a roll. IWMBuzz Media has consistently tracked and written about the impactful and impressive ad campaigns by AajTak.
And it seems the network has made it a habit to set social media on fire. As part of the on-going viral campaign #AajTakSabseTez, the nation’s undisputed No.1 news channel Aaj Tak today launched the fourth film of the series.
The film titled ‘Khabaristan’ features Shams Tahir Khan and highlights the growing culture of sensationalism and masking of truth in news. The metaphorical setting of a Khabristan (pun intended!) shows how most of the news channels go to any limits to create news, dig out old and convenient stories, just to make it aligned to their agenda. However, Aaj Tak stands out there like a watchdog bringing out only the truth. Within the initial hours of its release, the film has caught serious attention-with celebs like Sania Mirza, Jwala Gutta, Ashutosh Rana tweeting or retweeting the film urging all to play fair.
Play fair and play by the rules. Ace message #AajTakSabseTez https://t.co/t1XoN9AvWS
— Sania Mirza (@MirzaSania) March 19, 2021
Work hard and play on the side of truth. Cult Ad #AajTakSabseTez https://t.co/UpKgP3Ihe7
— Gutta Jwala (@Guttajwala) March 19, 2021
कमाल का विज्ञापन है बहुत खूब प्रिय शम्स भाई.. ??@ShamsTahirKhan @aajtak pic.twitter.com/Xzs30c3EqI
— Ashutosh Rana (@ranaashutosh10) March 19, 2021
Indeed, it has become a talking point in social media given its relevance.
Conceptualised and directed by the widely acclaimed Writer-Director Pradeep Sarkar, #AajTakSabseTez campaign is a satirical take on the current news environment in the country and entertainingly highlights the relaxed standards of reporting by some players in the age of fake news. The first film ‘Sach Ka Band’ brought to light the exaggeration of events while presenting the news; the second film ‘Achaar Gully’ highlighted the importance of credibility over sensationalism and the third film ‘Afwaah’ showed the rampant practice of rumour mongering in news.
We must admit that these films while depicting Aaj Tak’s relentless pursuit to always side with the truth, are equally sure to put a smile on your face!
You can watch the film here:
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