Actor Karan Patel recently shared his candid views during an interview with Shardul Pandit, speaking about the power dynamics in Bollywood, advice for Tiger Shroff, and lessons from his own career.
Patel stated that the industry is dominated by six actors—Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Ajay Devgn, Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan, and Akshay Kumar. According to him, these stars have a unique market value, where distributors are willing to buy their films even before they are made. While he acknowledged Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh as superstars, he believes the aforementioned names hold a distinct status in terms of box office pull.
On his bond with Tiger Shroff, with whom he shares a gym routine, Patel said he had advised the young actor to reconsider his image. He revealed that after watching Ryan Reynolds’ film The Fall Guy, he called Tiger and suggested he acquire its rights, as the film seemed like a perfect fit for him.
Reflecting on his own career, Patel admitted to having made mistakes in the past. He mentioned that he would often arrive on sets hungover, causing delays and making others wait. He described this as a phase he would change if given the chance.
The actor’s remarks highlighted his honest take on the industry and his personal journey. His suggestions to Tiger Shroff also hinted at his belief in Shroff’s potential to explore a different cinematic path.
And furthermore, Patel also mentioned how despite hiccups in his hond with Ekta Kapoor, he can do anything when she asks him to.