Reality show contestant Kashish Kapoor has become a prominent figure in Bigg Boss 18, earning attention as a wild card entry. Known for her candid nature and distinctive style, Kapoor has consistently been in the spotlight. Her clashes with fellow contestants, particularly Avinash Mishra and Karan Veer Mehra, have sparked significant discussions, cementing her as a key talking point in the house. In a show like Bigg Boss, staying relevant often matters more than anything else, and Kapoor has certainly managed to do that.
As the show gears up for its much-anticipated family week, Kashish’s mother is set to make an appearance. During a recent media interaction featuring family members of contestants, Kapoor’s mother spoke about her daughter’s journey. She emphasized that, unlike many others on the show who have prior television experience, Kashish has risen through sheer determination, starting from a small town in Bihar. According to her mother, Kashish’s progress is entirely self-made, driven by her talent and supported by fans and media. She also noted that her daughter’s success comes without any industry backing or connections.
As Bigg Boss 18 enters its final phase, the competition remains intense. Alongside Kashish Kapoor, contestants like Avinash Mishra, Vivian Dsena, Shrutika Raaj, Shilpa Shirodkar, Karan Veer Mehra, Rajat Dalal, Chum Darang, and Chahat Pandey are still in the running. The season has been eventful, filled with dramatic moments and unpredictable twists, keeping audiences hooked as it approaches its conclusion. This season has also sparked several conversations about an array of things and the contestants that have been evicted so far, have ben rather vocal about it too.