Actor and comedian Krushna Abhishek recently shared a funny anecdote during his appearance on Archana Puran Singh’s YouTube channel. The duo spent time at Archana’s home, engaging in casual conversations and reminiscing about the past.
During their chat, Krushna revealed an interesting story from his college days, highlighting his connection with his uncle, actor Govinda. Krushna explained that throughout his college years, he often wore clothes previously owned by Govinda. At the time, Govinda was known for donning big fashion brands like Prada, Gucci, and Dolce & Gabbana. However, Krushna admitted that he had no understanding of these luxury labels back then.
He specifically recalled how Govinda frequently wore clothes branded with “D&G.” Krushna said he would often borrow Govinda’s jackets and shirts without realizing the significance of the label. In a humorous twist, he admitted that he had always assumed “D&G” stood for “David & Govinda,” believing it to be a personal brand created by Govinda and someone named David. It wasn’t until much later that he learned D&G referred to the renowned luxury fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana.
Krushna’s candid revelation left Archana and her viewers amused. The story not only showcased his humorous personality but also reflected his bond with his uncle. The lighthearted moment was one of the highlights of the episode, giving fans a glimpse into the comedian’s off-screen life.
Krushna’s story added to the lively interaction, leaving the audience entertained with his wit and honesty.